Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Art Gallery
The Gallery I chose to view was the Blue Whole Gallery, located in Sequim, WA on the main road through the town. The work that can be seen in this gallery is paintings, ceramics, glass works, metal works, a variety of different artistic works. The Exhibit space takes up the majority of the gallery around 450 square feet. The Gallery's art can be placed on the exterior walls, and they have the option of a few moveable walls that usually stay more towards the center of the space. They use many pedestals for the solid artworks like ceramics and glass works, but they also place many of the glass and fragile works in open glass display cases. When it comes to lighting in this space, the main source of natural light comes from only the front windows, where there is also work displayed for those walking down the street, or driving by in their cars, but the natural light does not peer to the back of the space. Other lighting is artificial and is placed throughout the space along the ceilings, on large track systems, which gives the gallery a large amount of light to truly brighten the artwork and make it pop. The exhibit is clearly laid out to where you start viewing on the left, and work your way around, back into the back gallery room and back around to the front of the gallery, this is not done with colors, but with how the space is set up and artwork that leads you to the left, with a diagonal wall with work on it. The environment itself is calm and comfortable, the floors are a lovely lightened solid wood flooring for a smooth walkthrough, the walls are white to give more focus to the art pieces being hung on the walls, while the ceiling is truly for the lighting itself, with nothing being hung from the ceiling, but just the walls. This gallery constantly has new work to look at and I try to visit the space whenever I get to go home. They also offer classes that anyone can take, from watercolor painting to learning how to draw life, or realism images.
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