Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Boundary County Library | Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Bonners Ferry, Idaho is a small town that was once used for mining, which then turned it turned into a lumber and farming based community. One thing that has not changed, is the Boundary County Library, it has been the same structure since 1974. Although it is the same building, the library has done nothing but grow in its collections and types of collections as they are starting to get more into the digital side of the library. It is now the time that they begin to expand their functions, by bringing in other networks to join the library itself. Those joining are Northern Idaho College (NIC), University of Idaho Extension and BEDC an economic development council, they are also creating a fab lab for projects and digital lab that would contain a 3-D printer. The concept behind this building is Connection, Involvement and Preservation. Connection between old and new, which is the atrium, connecting the existing building with the new building as well as the connection between outdoors and indoors. Involvement within the community, being inviting for all who pass through and adhere to functions that are wanted, such as a farmers market where covered parking will be located. Preservation refers too the existing environment, the library is very close to the Kootenai River which is where the mining all started with a Ferry that Edwin Bonner had constructed to cross the river. There is also a small park right near and it is an important element that the people of the town want to keep. By creating a more open space and one that is multi-functional, I was still able to fit most of what was asked for by all networks. Those that were not factored into the design were apart of NIC and Extension, but they actually share spaces as they asked for multiple common functions for room space. The entire new building will be accessible, it has an ADA ramp to the entrance, an ADA elevator that reaches each floor including the parking garage and basement of the atrium. The atrium space as a main focal point to the flow through and to each space is meant to be a third place. A place away from work, home or even school, a place to spend time comfortable and enjoyably. It will contain a coffee stand to give an aroma to the space and to help bring in more teens and workers while also keeping a presence with the outside by inserting large windows all around the space. This was a very involved project where I learned to be patient and also how to be better with collaborating between team members. My studio had the opportunity to visit the library and talk with the board of the library and city and get their opinion on the library, what they wanted to do next, and what they did and did not like about the current space and what would be in the new space. They were very helpful in better understanding what was necessary for a small community as it would be the largest building in the town when built, so that was a big thing to keep in mind while design the exterior structure and interior as the word modern was thrown out the door almost immediately when interviewing with the patrons. Next time I would spend more time on the layout of plans, I think I will create more blocking diagrams next time to scale to really understand what I have left for floor space and what I still need to add.
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